Geography - Rising sea levels and climate change

We watched Breaking Boundaries - the science of our planet. 

This film discusses how the earth is at a tipping point with regards to entering a danger zone of climate change and rising sea waters. Once we're past the tipping point, we can't undo the damage that humans have caused. 

We are at a moment of time that has been called the age of fumes. This is causing serious issues in many countries because of Air pollution. Until the industrial revolution, the earth was in the Holocene period - a time of stability and the sea levels were stable, there were predictable seasons and reliable weather. Last year was the worst year for forest fires, destroying wildlife habitats and trees and plant life putting ecosystems at risk. 

Looking at the melting of the ice in Greenland and Antarctica, it has been shrinking at a rate of half a metre per year for the last 50 years. The ice caps keep the earth cool and to keep melting puts humanity at risk. Eventually, unless something changes, sea levels around the world will rise by 7 meters, threatening coastal cities. 

Droughts, heatwaves, floods and forest fires are getting worse by the year. This is a major sign that things aren't good. 

The earth's temperature is linked to rising carbon dioxide levels and the greenhouse gases threshold was passed in 1988. 

50% of the planet is used for grazing animals and crops. We're also dealing with over population. There is only so much food and water on the planet. 

Declining species are another major sign of our inability to keep the earth stabilised. 68% of animals have already been wiped out and politicians are not listening to scientists. On the show, scientists were crying, at the loss of coral, animals and trees. 

We have to change. We have to change the way we live, we have to live by caring about the world we live in, instead of being selfish about how we want to live. We prioritise luxury and money when instead we should be focused on the land and every creature that lives here. We are all connected and we rely on them for our very survival. 


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