Science of fireworks


Fireworks have been around over 1000 years and were invented by the Chinese. China still produces the majority of fireworks in the world. Fireworks are typically made as gunpowder in a paper tube and sometimes have flash paper and a fuse. Sparklers are different - they are usually metal dust attached to a wire and the metal burns for about a minute. The metals used are usually aluminium, iron, steel, zinc or magnesium. 

Burning magnesium produces a very bright, white flame. It doesn't burn for very long if you only use a small piece. 

Firework colours

Red - Strontium salts
Orange - Calcium salts
Yellow - Sodium salts
Green - Barium salts
Blue - copper salts
Purple - Copper and strontium compounds
Silver - white hot magnesium and aluminium
White - burning magnesium, Aluminium, Titanium


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