Geography - economic ideologies - Child led
Capitalism is a economic system in which private individuals own and control most of the factors of production - the resources used to make goods, and everything that we use in society to produce goods such as factories, machinery, tools, buildings and computers. Britain is a capitalist society under the present government.
Social Democracy is a system that has similar values to socialism, but within a capitalist framework. Social democrat policies keep capitalism in place. This works well in the Nordic countries like Finland, Sweden, Norway and Iceland.
Fascism is a right wing type of government where the country's power is held by one ruler. Typically, these are one party states where no other party can be voted for. Germany under Nazi rule was a fascist state. Spain under Franco was also fascist but was one of the last countries to truly be fascist.
Socialism has the primary goal of spreading wealth more evenly across society and treating all people fairly. People have had very different ideas for how to create socialist societies. There are few socialist societies as it has failed in many regards.
Communist societies such as China, Laos, North Korea do not allow individuals to own land, factories or machinery and the government controls these things. Everyone is supposed to share the wealth that is created but this often doesn't happen.
Anarcho-Primitivism is a critique of current society, how we live and the destruction of natural resources and our influence on the environment. They argue in favour of dismantling society and returning to a hunter gatherer society.
I think socialism would be the best choice in my opinion because the others seem unfair and Anarcho-Primitivism reminds me of a cave man but it would be very good for the earth.
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