Maths - Oak Academy

Greater than or less than

 >         =         <      

These symbols have slightly different but let's start with the first symbol, example:

18649  >  2746

In this example 18649 is  greater than 2746 so the opening of the triangular symbol is pointing to the larger number.

But with the equal sign symbol it means equal, example:

3245  =  3245 

In this example 3245 and 3245 are the same so we put the equal symbol in between them because neither is greater or less than the other digits.

And the last symbol means the exact same thing as the other triangular symbol just the other way around so we’ll use the same kind of  example but with much larger numbers for this example:

17,085  <  1,876,992

Once again the triangular symbols opening is pointing to the larger number.

Give three examples with these symbols:

89,452,835 > 74,193,618

46,856,287 = 46,856,287

72,6475,464 < 99,523,112

How would you order these city populations?

Rome, Italy 2,870,336

Madrid, Spain 3,141,991

Paris, France 2, 244, 000

London, UK 8,673,713

Berlin, Germany 3,670,999


Paris, France 2,244,000

Rome, Italy 2,870 336

Madrid, Spain 3141991

London, UK 8,673,713


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