English literature
Tiffany realises that fairy world isn't quite real. The way its described is like a Monet painting. When Monet was going blind. The world is described by the Nac mac feegle as a parasitic world - and then they go on to describe that their and the Queen's values don't align.
The Nac Mac Feegle have no qualms about stealing from rich people but draw the line at stealing from the poor. The Queen wanted them to steal from everybody.
Tiffany learns from the feegle that time is slow in this world, nothing grows and no one grows up. Tiffany is more determined to get her brother back. She starts running forward. And then she wakes up.
She's in her world. At the farm, preparing for her day. But little things are off. Her pet cat appears to like her and so Tiffany starts noticing what's going on around her. She's watching her mother washing dishes and she realises that the movement is wrong. As she lifts a spoon of porridge to her mouth, feegle explode from the oven, screaming at her not to eat.
Tiffany screams, her mouth causing some kind of tunnel to open and she falls into it, landing with a bump back in the black and white elf world.
The feegle explain that Tiffany ran into a drome, a magical creature that spins dreams, much like a spider spins a web. If she'd have eaten the porridge, she'd never have wanted to leave the dream.
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