
Showing posts from May, 2022

Design - flower press

Food technology - healthy breakfast

Food technology - Greek salad

Science - earth's structure

Animal care - tarantula!


Maths - long multiplication

Maths - short multiplication

Maths - addition and subtraction

Maths - Roman numerals and all kinds of numbers

IT - parts of a computer

Geography - individual countries

Poetry - The fear by Andrew Young

PSHE - Obesity - the post mortem

Design technology - concrete jewellery

Food technology - yorkshire puddings and slow cooked brisket

Spanish quiz

Art/textiles - Abstract clothing


Science - earth's atmosphere

Music - lesson and practice

Science - Royal python care

English language

Art gallery visit - the mercer gallery

Food technology

Maths - prime and composite numbers

Geography - the continents

Science - The brain and nervous system